Ideas, materials and perceptions of schools

As a member of ICS-Christian School Founding, you can send us all your material with Drop Box. Ask us, we will send you a link to our Drop Box, from there you can load all your staff into the "Box". After evaluation, we will publish it on this page! Please, share your knowledge with others.


At the left side  and under the contact formular you will find further materials!

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Math materials

New math materials Grade 1

Foster plan idea

ideaEnglish template foster plan.doc
Microsoft Word Document 130.5 KB

Life skills for class

German materials


contract teacher(german).doc
Microsoft Word Document 52.5 KB
christianschoolFCSK Constitution (german
Microsoft Word Document 94.0 KB
Microsoft Word Document 23.6 KB
Questionnaire for applicants FCSK(german
Microsoft Word Document 27.0 KB